A Girl in OZ

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Devil's Thumb - On top of the World

Devil's Thumb - View from the Top of the Countryside

After the hike: Charlie, Peter, Alex, Adam, and Me

I know I've posted a bunch in the past couple of days, but it's my last rainforest time and therefore I have exciting things to tell. Today we finally got our act together and found an acceptable hike. We went up to Devil's Thumb - Alex, Peter, Charlie, Adam, and I (the token female - although I must say I led the way and kept a pretty good pace). This is a seven hour hike, with about 1000m elevation. It was very steep, little walked on, kind of slippery, and very narrow. We were all sweating by the first 15minutes and the boys were struggling to keep up (w
ell maybe not really). It was a pretty treacherous two hours...the lady at Parks and Wildlife services said starting at 10am was probably not a good idea, but we did it, stopped for a well-deserved lunch at the prickly fern forest. We decided, with a good 4.5 hours left until pickup, that we would go fo the full hike. The second half was not nearly as bad as the first, and we made it up to the top in an hour. It was incredible, a great view of the Daintree, from the top of a very large boulder. Going back was hard, just because it was mostly downhill and the leaflitter made it very slippery. We reached the bottom about seven hours after beginning. It was well worth it! I conked out after we got back (I had been up since 5:45) and woke up to a very pleasant dinner! Acorn squash and cauliflower...mmm!

- Signing Out


  • you're so little in the photo. :D


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:49 AM  

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